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Identifying AWS Service and Region from a Given IP Address: A JavaScript Solution


In today's digital age, managing cloud resources efficiently is critical for businesses of all sizes. Amazon Web Services (AWS), a leading cloud service provider, offers a plethora of services spread across various regions worldwide. One of the challenges that cloud administrators often face is identifying the specific AWS service and region associated with a given IP address. This information is vital for configuring firewalls, setting up VPNs, and ensuring secure network communication.

In this blog post, we will explore how to identify the AWS service and region for a provided IP address using the AWS-provided JSON file and a simple JavaScript solution. This approach will help you streamline your cloud management tasks and enhance your network security.

The Problem: Identifying AWS Services and Regions

AWS provides a comprehensive range of services, each operating from multiple IP ranges across different regions. These IP ranges are frequently updated, and keeping track of them manually can be a daunting task. Here are some common scenarios where knowing the specific service and region is essential:

  1. Firewall Configuration: To allow or restrict access to specific AWS services, you need to know their IP ranges.
  2. VPN Setup: Ensuring secure communication between your on-premises network and AWS services requires accurate IP range information.
  3. Compliance and Security: For compliance and security audits, it's crucial to document and verify the IP ranges used by your cloud resources.

Given the dynamic nature of cloud services, maintaining an updated list of IP ranges manually is inefficient and prone to errors. Automating this process can save time and reduce the risk of misconfiguration.

The Solution: Automating IP Range Identification with JavaScript

To address this challenge, we can use a JavaScript solution that fetches the latest AWS IP ranges from the provided JSON file URL and identifies the relevant range for a given IP address. This solution leverages Node.js for fetching the JSON file and the ip-range-check package for IP range verification.


Step-by-Step Implementation

  1. Prerequisites: Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine. You will also need to install the ip-range-check and axios packages using npm:

    npm install ip-range-check axios
  2. Create a JavaScript Script: Write a JavaScript function that fetches the AWS IP ranges from the JSON file URL and checks if a given IP address falls within any of these ranges.

    const axios = require('axios');
    const ipRangeCheck = require('ip-range-check'); // A utility to check if an IP is in a range

    // URL to fetch the AWS IP ranges JSON file
    const ipRangesUrl = '';

    // Function to fetch the IP ranges JSON file
    async function fetchIpRanges() {
    try {
    const response = await axios.get(ipRangesUrl);
    } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching IP ranges:', error);
    return null;

    // Function to find the IP range and details for a given IP address
    async function findIpRangeDetails(ipAddress) {
    const prefixes = await fetchIpRanges();
    if (!prefixes) {
    return null; // Return null if there was an error fetching the IP ranges

    for (const prefix of prefixes) {
    if (ipRangeCheck(ipAddress, prefix.ip_prefix)) {
    return {
    ip_prefix: prefix.ip_prefix,
    region: prefix.region,
    service: prefix.service,
    network_border_group: prefix.network_border_group

    return null; // Return null if no matching range is found

    // Example usage
    const ipAddress = ''; // Replace with the IP address you want to check
    findIpRangeDetails(ipAddress).then(details => {
    if (details) {
    console.log(`IP Address ${ipAddress} is in range ${details.ip_prefix}`);
    console.log(`Region: ${details.region}`);
    console.log(`Service: ${details.service}`);
    console.log(`Network Border Group: ${details.network_border_group}`);
    } else {
    console.log(`No details found for IP Address ${ipAddress}`);


  1. Dependencies: The code uses the axios module to fetch the JSON file from the URL and the ip-range-check module to verify if an IP address falls within a specified range.
  2. Fetching JSON: The fetchIpRanges function fetches the IP ranges JSON from the provided URL using axios.
  3. Function Implementation: The findIpRangeDetails function waits for the IP ranges to be fetched and then iterates through the list of IP prefixes, using the ipRangeCheck function to determine if the given IP address matches any of the ranges. If a match is found, it returns the details of the IP range.
  4. Example Usage: An example demonstrates how to use the function with a specific IP address.

By automating the process of identifying AWS IP ranges, this JavaScript solution simplifies cloud management tasks, enhances network security, and ensures that your configurations are always up-to-date with AWS's dynamic environment.


Managing AWS IP ranges manually is not only tedious but also prone to errors, which can lead to security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. By leveraging the power of JavaScript and automation, you can efficiently handle IP range identification, ensuring your cloud infrastructure remains secure and well-configured. Implement this solution today and take a significant step towards streamlined and secure cloud management.



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